VIP Voucher for You from BEETEES

  • 12 April 2013
  • Glen Beattie

VIP voucher from BEETEES

20% OFF for the NEXT 3 DAYS

20% off at BEETEESAs we have all seen in the local paper, it’s been a reasonably quiet month or so, particularly when a very summer like March wasn’t conducive to Winter buying. HOWEVER it’s now getting colder and just maybe time for you to consider that new winter wardrobe.

Both Motueka and Nelson are fully stocked with our new Winter arrivals, and they’re looking awesome! This season's womens fashions are very edgy, full of colour, and as we always say, “it has that point of difference”.

SO to get you back into a shopping mood, we are offering you, our email customers , 20% off everything for the NEXT 3 DAYS ….. that is Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 11, 12, 13, April ONLY…. NO EXTENSIONS.

Just print off the voucher and come and see the girls at both stores; Nelson and Motueka.

Look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards Glen and the Team.

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